umm today i got the news that our company to whom i approached to file my H1 they are not willing to aplly any H1B this year.come bact to normal im writting this post.Actually this i made 2 weeks back,for our wedding aniversary,not getting time to post this from then..

coming to preparation.
1cup chanadal,
1cup jagerry,
2 cardamoms(finley grounded)
1/2 cup maida,
pinch of salt
first pressure cook the chanadal untill done,take that out to a heavy bottomed pan add jagerry and cardamom powder cook it on low heat it will take around 30 min.
let it cool down for a while and make lemon sized balls of it.
in the mean time mix AP flour,salt 2 sppons oil,and must be a bit looser than chapati mix.
keep it aside for 15 minutes .make a small portion of it and stuff the sweet inside..and make the parathaa out of it.u can use ur hand r use rolling pin for it.
heat the tawa and fry them on two sides with ghee.